Slow recovery for Indian paver market

By Chris Sleight |  9 May 2023


A slower pace of road construction and introduction of new emissions standards saw the Indian paver market fall some 30 per cent in 2022 to just over 700 machines. A 20 per cent rebound is forecast for this year, but that will still keep volumes below the 1,000 units per year level, which characterised the market from 2018-2021.

Once the disruption of the 2024 general election has passed, more sustained growth will set in, but the market is expected to be around the 850-950 machines per year mark, rather than the highs of the late 2010s and early 2020s.

Off-highway Research’s new report, The Asphalt Paver Industry in India said, “The number of asphalt pavers required to build a particular section of road is much lower than that of compactors, which restricts their demand. Furthermore, there is a preference in the government for concrete roads as these are presumed to need lower maintenance and thus have a longer life and lower overall cost compared to asphalt roads. Additionally, asphalt pavers have a high population and longer replacement cycle due to their low usage rate. All of the above factors limit its sales potential.”

Off-Highway Research’s 60 page report on the asphalt paver industry in India is now available to subscribers to Off-Highway Research’s Indian Service. It is also available to buy on our online store. Click here for details.

It is believed to be the most detailed and in-depth report ever published on the subject, with analysis covering market size, market shares, production, foreign trade, market structure, distribution networks, equipment population, machines available and a five-year forecast.

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