German wheeled loader market remains resilient

By Chris Sleight |  6 December 2021

Despite the outbreak of the Covid pandemic last year, the wheeled loader market in Germany achieved the third highest sales on record, according to Off-Highway Research’s new report, The Wheeled Loader Industry in Germany. Demand increased in 2021 and is expected to rise again in 2022. However, the previous record sales seen in 2019 are not expected to be surpassed

“The market has been underpinned by buoyant demand from a wide range of end-user segments, most notably the construction sector, currently one of the main growth drivers in the German economy, and in the case of compact wheeled loaders, the fast-expanding landscaping industry. Labour shortages throughout both sectors have compelled companies to strive for increased efficiency and profitability, and wheeled loaders are viewed as a highly versatile addition to machinery fleets,” side the report.

Regarding the outlook for the sector, the report said, “The large population of relatively new machines in the market, as a result of the high volume of machines sold during the last five years, is likely to act as a brake on any rapid upturn in demand. Furthermore, it is clear that the rate of growth in the compact wheeled loader sector that saw sales peak at record levels in 2019 cannot be sustained indefinitely.”

Off-Highway Research’s 60 page report on the wheeled loader industry in Germany is now available to subscribers to Off-Highway Research’s European Service. It is also available to buy on our online store. Click here for details.

It is believed to be the most detailed and in-depth report ever published on the subject, with analysis covering market size, market shares, market structure, production, distribution networks, equipment population, pricing, machines available and a five-year forecast.

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